“What’s great about Avram Mlotek’s Why Jews Do That is that it embraces all Jews from ultra-Reform to ultra-Orthodox, from Ashkenazim to Sephardim and beyond our faith as well. Whether we are observant or not, we’ve all been taught: ‘’live in the question’; how wonderful that Avram’s book gives us answers to so many important ones—with humor and wisdom.”
“What Steph Curry is to the three-pointer, Avram Mlotek is to rabbi-ing. Let him —and this book—be your guide to a deeper understanding of Judaism.”
“Learning basic information about Judaism is often ponderous and, as a result, many people never learn it. But in the capable, consistently accurate and sometimes irreverent hands of Avram Mlotek, the process becomes both fun and funny.”
“Rabbi Avram Mlotek draws people into Jewish life with his enthusiasm, his warmth, his music, and his understanding that people are often embarrassed to ask even the most basic questions. Here, he makes those questions fun and accessible to all.”
“A book this good comes along only once in a millennial....But then again, Avram Mlotek is one in a million. So as one who was shaped by the 1960’s, I want to give this volume my highest rating, e.g., STEAL THIS BOOK.”
“Finally! A book about Jews written entirely in questions! Is that perfect? Reb Mlotek, adank for this bukh! (Thanks for this book!)”
“With amazing creativity, Rabbi Avram Mlotek presents a lively and profound introduction to Jewish life. From ‘HOW?’ to ‘WHY?’ he gives us the warmth of living Judaism. This book is thrilling!”